Site Overview
This site is actually a small collection of several small web applications that I have written. Unfortunately most of these are in a somewhat unfinished state. In addition, I just moved servers and I found a few stupid non-portable issues that I need to resolve.
Several of the links are just containers for future items. Several of the upcoming (hopefully) features that I envision include the following:
Recipe Junction
Recently, the recipe junction was added and is a fully functional recipe indexing and categorizing site. If you have any interest in recipes and cooking, click on the link to find out more about this site.
Web Budget
A personnel budget tool that can be accessed from anywhere with web access. The main feature is the ability to be able to compare actual financial position against a budget in real time. This is under development currently but I hope to have some of the framework in place soon for testing and experimenting.
Site Design Goals
Meaningful use of Javascript
I originally had an adversion to javascript and wanted to avoid it all together. However, as I have used it more, I have found javascript to be quite easy to implement. I do believe that javascript is a great way to add some style to a web page. The goal is to use it meaningfully and hopefully in an overall un-obtrusive manner.
Clean Interface
Valid and Readable HTML/CSS
I am overhauling areas of the site to use HTML5 and CSS3. Both of these offer huge improvements and simplification to some previously complex issues.
Minimal Advertisments
Making these sites take a lot of time. In addition, even though these are run on my own server, there is storage space, maintenance and connection fees. So, I run adsense on the site with directed and hopefully useful links. That being said most of the sites I visit now days are impossible to navigate because of the ads. I refuse to use sites that have pop-up hover windows over keywords, annoying audio advertisements or intensive video advertisements. If I had to do that to keep my site up, I would simply shut it down. So ads on this site will be present, but unobtrusive.